
Feb 10, 2019 
新聞出處:【The Tribune Democrat】Cool project: Windber institute banking on its reputation, adds tissue freezers

 2019年2月8日星期五,研究助理Preston Lehman(左)和 Bryant Onkst, 在賓夕法尼亞州Windber的Chan Soon-Shiong分子醫學研究所,其中一個組織庫冷凍櫃中檢查樣本。(照片中的超低溫冷凍櫃來自PHCbi VIP ECO系列Ultra Low Freezer,型號:MDF-DU702VH)
WINDBER – 領導者說,Windber人體生物資料庫Chan Soon-Shiong分子醫學研究所正在進行的一項重大擴建,是近二十年來在乳癌研究中所建立的聲譽證明。


人體生物資料庫資深主管Stella Somiari在研究所表示,Windber與前列腺癌症中心的研究人員合作,將儲存及數位登錄數千個前列腺癌組織樣本、血液樣本和組織切片。


Somiari表示感謝國防部對Windber中心的持續信心,該中心自 2001年啟動以來,一直為Walter Reed國家軍事醫療中心的臨床乳房護理研究,提供生物樣本資料庫和生物資訊。

“他們相信我們做得很好”,Somiari 說,“他們信任我們能處理寶貴的研究樣本,我認為他們很欣賞我們與(乳腺癌研究)合作的方式,讓我們有責任管理所有組織”。

Cool project: Windber institute banking on its reputation, adds tissue freezers

WINDBER – A major expansion underway at the Chan Soon-Shiong Institute of Molecular Medicine at Windber tissue bank is a testament to the reputation built over nearly two decades of breast cancer studies, leaders say.

More than a dozen new freezers have been installed at the institute to accommodate specimens from the Defense Department's Center for Prostate Disease Research in Rockville, Maryland.

Windber collaborates with researchers at the prostate cancer center and will handle storage and digital cataloging of thousands of prostate cancer tissue specimens, along with blood samples and slides with tissue resections, biobank Senior Director Stella Somiari said at the institute.

“They are moving it all here, and they will continue to send their samples to us for long-term storage,” Somiari said. “We have all the biobanking infrastructure.”

Somiari said she appreciates the Defense Department's continued confidence in the Windber center, which has provided biobanking and bioinformatics for Walter Reed National Military Medical Center's Clinical Breast Care Project research since it was launched in 2001.

“They believe we are doing a good job,” Somiari said. “They trust us with the precious research samples. I think they appreciate the way we have worked with the (breast cancer research) to give us the responsibility to manage all the tissues.”

【The Tribune Democrat】Cool project: Windber institute banking on its reputation, adds tissue freezers